Founder, Chair & ceo


Tuana Yazici is the Founder, CEO, and Board Chair of Tuana Group, AeroAI Global Solutions, AeroAI Global Voyages, and AeroAI DesignLab. As a 23-year-old, Tuana Yaziciis the author of 2 articles & 4 children's books.
Currently, Tuana Yazici is a second year law student at the university of miami school of law, and a member of international institute of space law.
Graduating a year early from both graduate and undergraduate degrees, Tuana Yazici holds a Master of Arts in international Administration with a Concentration in International Space Law and a Bachelor of Arts in PPE (Philosophy, politics, economics) with a minor in psychology from the University of Miami.
Tuana Yazici's previous experience: Space Law & Political Affairs Intern for the Space Foundation; UNOOSA Space4Women Mentee for Ms. Shelli Brunswick; paid research assistant for Prof. Kristen Stilt, a Harvard Law professor; research assistant for a Harvard Law Fellowship; Creative Brand & Visual Identity Manager for IISL's Knowledge Constellation Project; and Primary Consultant for the Prince's Island Workshop created by the Mayor of Istanbul, Ekrem Imamoglu—which resulted in a law that banned horse-drawn carriages in the Prince's Islands, saving 1,500 abused horses. Throughout her undergraduate years, she served as the Chair of Academic Affairs, the Student Government representative for Faculty Senate, and the Senator for the College of Arts and Sciences.
Tuana Yazici has two recent publications in the field of space law and policy. Her recent research, "A proposal for the usage of reconnaissance satellites to monitor international human and wildlife trafficking hotspots" was published in the journal Acta Astronautica on March 4, 2022. Her other research,
"analysis: legal barriers complicate future in orbit" was published in Q4 of The Space Report on January 18, 2022. The article discusses the Artemis Accords, the legality of anti-satellite (ASAT) weapons, and space debris mitigation, and offers recommendations for the U.S. and other international actors on how to address these issues. She continues to have meetings in Capitol Hill and the White House on both of her publications.
Tuana Yazici's was recently a speaker during the following conferences and events: 37th Space Symposium in Colorado Springs [2022]; International Astronautical Congress (IAC) in Dubai, UAE [2021]; Rotary Club of New York's United Nations Breakfast [2022]; WomenTech Global Conference [2022]; Rotary Club of Brisbane [2023].
Tuana Yazici's recent awards: University of Miami 30 under 30 Award Recipient [2023], Outstanding Graduate Research or Scholarship Award [2022], Award of Academic Merit [2022], Edward T. Foote II Award Nominee for Excellene in Student Leadership [2021], the Bortz Price for Excellence in Philosophy [2020], the Kantner Foundation Scholarship (2018), The Palm Beach Post Pathfinder Award Recipient for Community Involvement (2018), the President's Volunteer Service Award from the Trump Administration with a congratulatory letter from the White House (2018), and the President & the Provost's Honor Rolls at the University of Miami (2018-2021).
During her summers, Tuana Yazici has studied at various institutions around the world. Some of the institutions include Harvard University, the American University of Paris, Franklin University in Lugano, Oxford University, Cambridge University, Bosphorus University, and Florence University of the Arts.
With her international education, Tuana Yazici can speak 4 languages (Turkish, German, English and French).
As an animal rights activist, she is the Florida Captain for the Humane League, and has given speeches and presentations on an international level. In the summer of 2019, she presented her project—to ban the horse-drawn carriages in the Prince's Islands and change the entire transportation system to electric cars—to Ekrem Imamoglu, the mayor of Istanbul. Tuana Yazici was chosen as the Primary Consultant of the working group he created for the project. They successfully passed a law that banned the horse-drawn carriages on the islands and 1500 horses were put to rehabilitation centers in Istanbul.
For philosophy, Prof. Peter Singer from Princeton University is her mentor.
As an artist, she opened her first art exhibition at the age of 4 at the Galeri Artist in Istanbul, Turkey. Since then, her artwork has been exhibited in various galleries around the world.
Aside from her academic career, Tuana Yazici is learning how to fly helicopters, and is pursuing a private helicopter license.
My first helicopter solo flight [r22]

Tuana Yazici focuses on how space technologies and AI can be utilized to help people and animals on Earth
Presentations - Aerospace Sector
Tuana Yazici has been a speaker at various international conferences and events for her work in the space law sector.