Tuana Yazici's Books
Horse Liberation
Atlara Ozgurluk
This book was written and illustrated by Tuana Yazici and published in 2017. Tuana Yazici donated 100 copies to NYCLASS and 100 copies to the Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality.
Protecting Sea Turtles
Deniz Kaplumbagalarini Korumak
This book was written and illustrated by Tuana Yazici and published in 2007 in 4 different languages (English, Turkish, German and French). Tuana Yazici was seven years old when her first book got published. It became the second best seller under children's books in Turkey. At the age of eight, she had a signature day at D&R, Turkey's most famous bookstore. She donated all the profits from her book to the Turkish Society for the Protection of Animals.
This book was written and illustrated by Tuana Yazici and published in 2017. Tuana Yazici donated 100 copies to Gumbo Limbo Nature Center in Boca Raton, FL, and 100 copies to the Kaptan June Sea Turtle Foundation in Dalyan, Turkey. The Gumbo Limbo Nature Center organized a signature day for Tuana Yazici during their Sea Turtle Day Festival.
Tuana: First Rain Drop Fallen to the Heaven
Tuana: Cennete Dusen Ilk Yagmur Damlasi
This book was written and illustrated by Tuana Yazici and published in 2011. Tuana Yazici combined her articles that were published in BonBon Magazine—published in the U.S., Canada, and Australia—and created her second book.